
Link texts

Make links understandable

“More”, “Click here” and the like - we all know these link descriptions. Earlier we talked about the fact that screen readers will collect all the headlines on your page to perform their scanning function. The same applies to links. Screen readers will collect all of the links on a webpage and list them so the user can decide where he/she wants to go to. But what does “More” or “Click here” mean? Imagine you get a list of every links on a page and 50% of them say “More”. More what? You will feel very lost and quickly become irate and frustrated.

Make sure that the copy in your link is self-explanatory. Remember that links presented in a list means they’re taken out of context. A sighted person might get what this “more” means, but as a standalone word it makes no sense at all, especially when you have 30 of them within your list. What the heck??

A bad example of links

If you want to contact us, click here.

A good example of links

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us.

Video example

This video shows the bad and the good example explained on this page. Both links are read out by VoiceOver. It also shows how VoiceOver's rotor will display the links.

There is a way to bypass this situation from a developer’s point of view and this will be covered in the developer’s section later on. But the easiest way to proceed is to simply use descriptive links instead.